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Episode 2: The Flat-earth Theory

Ikhlas: Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of The Conspirator’s Nightmare. I’m your host Ikhlas Bechri and today we are going to talk about the Flat Earth Theory. I know, I know, I can hear you rolling your eyes. But the flat earth theory has recently gained a lot of traction due to the release of the popular Netflix documentary ‘Behind the Curve’ where they followed the famous “flat-earther”, Mark Sargent. The reality is that a lot of people still think that the earth is in fact flat and that NASA and world governments have been lying to us. Now, on this show, we talk about conspiracy theories but we like to focus on their harmful effects on education and how children view science. So, joining us here today are our two guests, flat-earther Rana Jafari. How are you, Rana?


Ikhlas Bechri


Rana: I’m fine, thank you.


Ikhlas: And our conspiracy debunker for the day Nadia Altarmanini. How are you?


Nadia: Very well, thanks. 


Ikhlas: So Rana, tell us a little bit about yourself and why you are such an avid believer in the flat earth theory?


Rana Jafari


Rana: I’m a 3rd-year student at Canadian University Dubai. I’ve practically lived in Dubai my whole life. Being a flat-earther is really uncommon around here but I still believe what I believe. I actually didn’t start as a flat-earther, in fact, no one really does but my curiosity began after the Netflix movie Behind The Curve. I’ve always been into conspiracy theories but this one really grabbed my attention and I started researching from there. I heard a lot about the Salton Sea Lake in California. If you haven’t heard about it, it's actually a lake where a lot of scientists test the curvature of the earth. I couldn’t actually go over there but I’ve watched many videos and live streams and a spherical earth just doesn’t make sense to me. The edge of the lake seems as if you can easily fall off. 

Ikhlas: And what do your classmates and friends at CUD think about you being a flat-earther?


Rana: Oh they don’t know, of course, I try to keep this part of my life hidden because of the stigma that surrounds conspiracy theorists. 


Ikhlas: And what stigma is that?


Rana: Oh that we’re unhinged idiots that can’t listen to reason or we’re shut-ins that live in our mothers’ basements. The world ridicules us and once people know you’re a flat-earther they either disregard you or look down on you and I wouldn’t want that happening to me in my university. 


Ikhlas: I understand, so why is it that you agreed to be on this podcast?


Rana: Well I was apprehensive at first but when I heard that you were inviting someone who’s totally against flat-earthers, that encouraged me to come and be a part of the discussion and potentially a debate. 


Ikhlas: Why did that change your mind?


Rana: Because I want to show that, contrary to popular belief, conspiracy theorists such as myself do value discourse and we don’t just plug our ears every time someone doesn’t share our outlook. 


Ikhlas: Well that is very admirable and I thank you for being here. So let's shift gears for a bit and talk to Nadia, a student that lives for debunking myths. Nadia, tell us a bit about yourself and why you agreed to be part of this episode.

Nadia: First of all thank you Ikhlas for inviting me to your show. I am a CUD student and my favorite pastime is watching and listening to conspiracy theories and trying to debunk them. I love watching science documentaries and enjoy learning about physics and the universe. I have been fascinated with space ever since I was a kid. Since I have been fighting with conspiracy theorists online for some time now I figured it would be fun to talk about and debunk the flat earth theory here on the podcast. 


Ikhlas: All right, so Nadia what do you think about flat earthers and the Flat earth theory?

Nadia Altarmanini


Nadia: Well  I believe in science and facts so I think this theory is the most ridiculous theory I’ve ever heard. In most conspiracy theories I could at least understand where they are coming from and why people might believe them to be true but that's not the case here. I mean there is just an abundance of evidence that the earth is a globe that it feels kind of ridiculous for me to even have to explain. 


Ikhlas: Right, the evidence is all around us. So why do you think it’s so hard for conspiracy theorists to accept this evidence?


Nadia: Because they’re not interested in the truth, they're interested in proving a theory. 


Ikhlas: What do you mean by that?


Nadia: Let’s say they have a theory and I provide evidence that proves that theory wrong. Then they will say that the evidence was faked because that’s how deep the conspiracy goes and then that becomes the basis of their argument. From that point on, no matter what evidence I show them they are going to stick to the argument that it’s been faked by the government or NASA or big corporations because they’re not interested in testing a theory they’re interested in proving a theory. 


Ikhlas: That sounds awfully frustrating. 


Nadia: Oh you have no idea.


Ikhlas: Why then do you do it? Debunking theories and fighting with them if you know they won’t listen. 


Nadia: Because they have to be stopped. Because they prey on people. People who might not have access to high-quality education. Not to mention they teach children to distrust science and reject facts by feeding them lies and half-truths. And the bigger this community gets the more it threatens the state of education all over the world. I mean a third of US millennials are flat earthers, ​​nearly 15 million Brazilians are flat earthers and it’s the same all around the world. You'd be surprised how many of them are out there and their numbers are not insignificant. 


Ikhlas: Right, so Rana what do you think about what Nadia said? About how conspiracy theorists prey on the less educated and teach children to distrust facts. 


Rana: Well, I don’t think we prey on people. If anything we’re opening their eyes up to the truth which is that government organizations aren’t transparent with us like how they are hiding area 51. And as for the children, well I think it’s important for kids to doubt and be curious so they don’t believe everything that’s fed to them. So they won’t be gullible and easily controlled. 


Nadia: Yes it is important for kids to question the world around them but you teach them to reject objective truth. You can’t debate an objective piece of fact. There is a multitude of experiments everyone can do to determine the shape of the Earth. Hundreds of years of research and millions of dollars have been spent in pursuit of this and for people to question all of those brilliant scientists and engineers based on absolutely no facts is absurd. 


Rana: Experiments like what?  


Nadia: There are proofs all around you. It is not difficult to know that the earth is round. Let's start with a simple experiment. One of the things you can see yourself with a pair of binoculars is if you actually go out to a beach and there are boats the farther away a boat is, the more the bottom of the boat will disappear and you'll basically just see the mast of the boat that's because the boat is actually going over the horizon that's curved. That wouldn't happen if the earth were flat. You would simply see the boat getting smaller and smaller as it went farther away, but you'd be able to see the whole thing.


Rana: Well that’s an experiment that I have looked into multiple times as I have already mentioned, and that is where my flat-earth belief started. If you take a look at the Salton sea lake, there is clearly no curvature the farther you look into the distance, even with binoculars. Now forget the experiments. How would you explain NASA’s obvious photos of the earth that were altered and photoshopped to be round? There have been multiple photos that were and still are being used as evidence for the earth being flat. For example, the earthrise photo is clearly photoshopped. Once you bring up the luminance, you can see where the earth is cut out and pasted. NASA has continuously shown us doctored images. Another example is the blue marble which is an image from 1972, you can check it out. It’s a basic round image of the earth and if you speak to the artist from NASA, they state that the image is purely from data and it's not a photograph. It's purely edited. How do you explain that?


Nadia: Just because the images that we currently possess of the earth are doctored that does not mean that the earth is flat. There is actually a very simple reason why NASA doctors images. Most of the photos we have of the earth are taken by astronauts in the International Space Station and since that space station is in the lower earth orbit it is not far away enough to capture the entirety of Earth. This means that they have to string together multiple pictures to make up our globe. Photoshop is used simply as an enhancement tool.


Rana: I have to ask Nadia, do you truly think that NASA is trustworthy? 


Nadia: It is an institution made up of brilliant minds who are in the pursuit of knowledge. They are required to document every finding, every experiment, and every mission. And I know that no matter what I say you’re going to spin it and accuse them of faking findings and space missions. Those documents are not faked and I'll tell you why they cannot be faked. Just to create the paperwork that NASA had created. Just the paperwork to send people into orbit or to send them to the moon, that amount of paperwork would make faking it prohibitively expensive. No one could afford to generate that much documentation. Moreso, let’s say that there is a giant conspiracy and NASA is hiding the fact that the earth is flat. Do you know how many people it would take for them to keep that a secret? It just doesn't make sense. 


Rana: The way they proclaim their findings and sources shows otherwise. There is a reason why there are so many conspiracy theories surrounding NASA and why there are so many flat-earthers who refuse to believe in science. 


Nadia: I told you, no matter how much evidence, factual testable evidence I show you you will never waver. You will simply say “it’s fake” or “they’re lying to you” to anything I say. That is the entire basis of your argument, it is a cognitive trick that will keep you from admitting you’re wrong and that Ms. Jafari is how you manipulate people. 


Ikhlas: All right things are getting a bit heated so I’m going to stop this episode here. Let me just say, at the end of the day people are going to believe in what they believe sometimes regardless of facts and that’s just life. I would like to thank both our guests for being a part of this episode and a special shoutout to our audience members for listening. We are eager to hear your thoughts on this topic so please feel free to open up discussions in the comment section below. As always stay curious and we will see you in the next episode. 


The End


Ikhlas Bechri 20190007493

Rana Jafari 20190007522

Nadia Altarmanini 20200001074


Audio recording credit to CUD sound recording engineer, Fatemeh Jamehdar, and CUD recording studio.


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