The Canadian University Dubai is a well-established educational institution located in the heart of Dubai. In order to expand its current portfolio of offerings the university’s reading initiative, CUD Reads, will launch a creative brand extension; the Khawater Story-Telling Contest. This contest will differentiate itself from competing contests by uniquely focusing on providing participants a means to utilize creativity as a release in relevant and popular categories/activities such as short stories, poetry and photography. Furthermore, the campaign is to capitalize on the personal aspects that the contest provides the participants. Not only is there an incentive to win prizes, but the big idea for this campaign encourages participants to "unravel their (Covid-19) stories" by going beyond the data and statistics that display the negative social, health and economic impacts the pandemic has on the youth. The campaign will be a month-long and segmented into pre-launch, launch and post-launch categories. Our communication objectives and strategy includes the use of email-marketing, social media channels, radio advertisements, press releases and flyers. Each platform shows promise to reach our target audience that is made up of Emiratis and expats, ages 15-22, located in UAE and students from CUD’s Canadian partnering universities. Our target market shows an interest in reading, writing, literature, creativity, photography, enjoy partaking in competitions, and/or have an interest in trying something new. The budget for the campaign, which be be spread out during the three launch stages, will total to 27,818 AED.