The four marketing mix elements of Khawater Competition’s marketing plan are detailed below.
Product Strategy
Product Line. CUD Reads Khawater Story-Telling Contest has various categories, such as story writing, poetry and photography, for students between the ages of 15-22. In coming years, CUD Reads aims to expand the competition to possibly include illustration/comic and short films.
Unique Product Quality. Khawater Competition aims to inspire its participants to voice their own stories, whether it is a narrative of their own life or an original anecdote that was sparked by their creativity. CUD Reads provides the platform to enable their own community and other schools to further encourage the creative potential of their students.
Price Strategy
Similar to CUD Read’s activities and competitions, the Khawater Competition will be free of charge. This is to ensure that the motive behind the competition is not a revenue-based one but instead focuses on enriching the overall community and future generation.
Promotion Strategy
Key promotion programs include in-school posters, newsletters, and social media campaigns. This year’s campaign will focus on the importance of adolescents utilizing their inner voice to explore self-expression and creative development. Specific to this year's theme, COVID-19 has had an impact on everyone’s lives, and adolescents are very intuitive, despite their age, to changes around them. We want to promote the perspective that the voice and story of each child is valid and should be expressed and heard by their community. Our promotion strategy will include utilizing a press release, email-marketing, in-school posters, social media campaign and radio adverts.
We will be implementing a pre-launch, launch and post-launch promotion objectives and strategy schedule over a four week period.
Figure 7: Timeline Infographic for the CUD Reads Khawater Story-Telling Contest

Note: Dates will be indicated once the campaign is finalized
For this stage of the campaign, the objective is to gain awareness of the Khawater Story-Telling Competition and the theme/prompt for the year. The pre-launch period will be held during the first week of the campaign timeline. Our media strategy is to send out a press release to our targeted high schools and universities. This will be followed by email-marketing in the form of flyers. CUD and the targeted institutions shall send out flyers, by email, to their students and parents (if applicable). Participants will be able to register for the competition.
The second week of the campaign timeline will kick-off our official launch. This stage focuses on developing interest and stimulate appeal towards the competition. Participants will now be able to submit their short stories for the competition until the closing date. During this period, we will be sending reminder emails to participants who have registered that they can submit their stories. During this period, CUD will officially post about the competition on their Instagram account and Facebook page. We will also be implementing radio adverts to reach full reach towards our target audience during this period. Since high schools are having classes on campus, we will be asking targeted schools to post flyers of the competition around the campus.