Competitor Analysis
In order to understand Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways' competitive advantage and positioning, it is important to analyze their direct and indirect competitors. Competitor analysis is key to developing a strong and research-driven marketing plan. The aviation industry has a wide range of skilled and competitive airlines worldwide, which offer diverse travel locations at all times of the year. As of today, the UAE is home to two major aviation companies which are Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways. These two airlines directly compete with major airlines in the continent such as Qatar Airways and Singapore Airlines. However, both Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways also have global competitors such as Turkish airlines. This showcases Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways' ability to compete for customers not only in the Middle East region but across all continents and major cities.
Figure 3: Competitive analysis table between Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways and their major competitors across the globe.

Each of the above airlines has mostly succeeded in accomplishing their main objectives in brand positioning and customer satisfaction over the decades. However, external threats and opportunities can affect the way in which these airlines may or may not have been able to meet their objectives at times. Despite having niched target markets or unique compelling benefits, the global issues have impacted these airlines and the aviation industry as a whole. During these challenges, airlines have either struggled to overcome such threats or have found a way to pave a path of opportunity.