On a global and a local scale, education is considered an integral part of society and even a human right to at least obtain a basic level of education. Data scientists have noticed a drastic improvement with regards to global literacy rates at the beginning of the 20th century. With an exception of Africa and Afghanistan, countries have literacy rates above 50% while countries in sub- Saharan Africa have a literacy rate below 30%. (Rozer and Ortiz-Ospina, 2016)
Figure 4: Literacy rate global map,
Unfortunately, there continues to be a notable gap in literacy rates between developing and developed countries. And while it is projected that these rates are more likely to increase in the coming years as governments begin to place greater emphasis on the importance of education, generational gaps still exist. The younger generation is significantly a lot more educated than older generations. An interesting prediction by The International Institute of Applied System Analysis suggests that by 2050 an estimate of only 5 countries will have literacy rates no higher than 20%. (Rozer and Ortiz-Ospina, 2016)
Meanwhile, the UAE prides itself on the notion of investing in the country's youth as they are the leaders of tomorrow. The country has an approximate literacy rate of 95%. Constantly improving the education standards while creating a well-rounded curriculum in both schools and higher education institutes and universities. Furthermore, the UAE also places high importance on special needs education. In 2006, the UAE signed the protocol proposed by the United Nations during the convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which soon after the federal government passed the law ensuring people of determination are given the same educational rights and are not secluded from society but are rather encouraged to be a part of conventional settings. (UAE government. n,a)

How Emirates Airlines leveraged the global issue of Education in their AIMC
Both Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways take an active stance through initiating various programs in education. Emirates Airlines Festival of Literature founded by Emirates Literature Foundation was launched in 2009 as a festival. It is an annual event that celebrates literature and education while promoting reading and books. Championing the idea of how reading can enhance one’s understanding and appreciation of the world, how reading can expose people to new ideas and perspectives. The festival also acts as a ground that connects local authors with global authors in their shared love for literature and storytelling. Besides the annual festivities, the foundation works on ways to integrate literature into students’ education curriculums in both schools and higher education institutions. In addition to student competitions such as Story writing, Poetry for all, Readers cup, and letter writing. held all year round. (Emirates Literature Festival. n,d)
Figure 5: Emirates Literature Foundation.

How Etihad Airways leveraged the global issue of Education in their AIMC
On the other hand, Etihad Airways also takes pride in supporting the local and global community with regard to education. The company has been focused on renovating school campuses in disadvantaged countries as well as providing children and education institutes with school supplies. Some of the countries in which Etihad has been supporting are Yamen, Bangladesh, Egypt, and India. Furthermore, Etihad Airways has organized a charity initiative in Sri Lanka that included the opening of Maha Vidyala School supporting 1,500 children. (Aviation benefits beyond borders, 2015) . In addition, to support rebuilding the school, Etihad has donated 100,000 DHS to support struggling communities in Sri Lanka. The Airways sent a delegation of their staff to accompany the Sri Lankan ambassador in the UAE for a two-day trip that also included the opening ceremony for a women’s health and wellness center in the city of Colombo with the purpose of educating the community and raising awareness about breast cancer. (Study in Sri Lanka,n.d)

In addition, Etihad Airways created its own aviation training school located in the capital next to Abu Dhabi International Airport, providing a wide selection of courses for pilots and cabin crew members as well as training programs that encompasses engineering and maintenance courses. The aviation school has been a great success, training approximately 20,000 students on a yearly basis.
(Etihad Aviation training,n.d)
Figure 7: Etihad Aviation training campus in Abu Dhabi, UAE