Distant Future Era, 2029 - 2034
The Ultimate Game Ideology
Similar to Elon Musk’s clutch over the space travel industry, CEO of Wright Electric Inc, Jeffery Engler has taken complete grasp over the electric plane industry. Now becoming one of the richest and most influential empires in the world. Prior to this, the aviation industry was considered an oligopolistic environment, meaning that there are a small number of large firms that have all or most of the sales and power in the aviation market (Segal, 2021). However, when Engler gained a stronghold over the industry due to his technology, he used his power to shift the market into a monopolistic environment (Ryan, 2021). This means that Wright Electric Inc owns all the market share and controls all the outputs and prices. This was possible as Engler’s leading technology and the latest regulations over non-renewable energy forces pushed the majority of the leading airline corporations to merge under Engler’s enterprise. This led to major airline champions in the USA and Europe merging with Engler, becoming sister companies under his power.
As a result, Engler cultivated a dynamic power play between the western airlines that led to them ultimately profiting greatly from this merger. With tourism and the desire to travel post-pandemic era growing exponentially, airlines that worked under Wright Electric Inc had the means to control travel routes across the globe. Although Asia and Africa remain the leading tourist destinations, western airlines controlled the influx of tourists with their up-to-standards electric airplanes.
The “Ultimate Game” ideology reflects the competitive and aggressive race to champion the skies with electric aeroplanes. It became extremely evident that the new regulations along with strategic mergers with companies from specific geopolitical locations immediately allowed for certain airlines to win this make-or-break race. This brought disproportionate wealth to America and Europe, resulting in their economies booming with growth. This further allowed the USA and European countries to invest in their technology, tourism, and sustainability industries.
During the Ultimate Game era, it was a period where Engler-owned airlines witnessed a great sense of economic and cultural growth within their respective nations. The reason why the nations were blooming was that they had put their competitors on the other side of the world at a major disadvantage. As a result, the conflict and power struggle increased as both sides were strongly guided by their own narrative and truths that were polar opposites from one another.
The inability and resistance towards eastern-owned airlines merging with Wright Electric Inc caused diplomatic unease between the east and west. More so, as economic and tourism wealth boosted in the western nations, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia suffered from their lack of control and assertiveness in the aviation industry. This resulted in an increase in corruption, violence, wealth disparities, and economic struggles within these regions.
It is important to recognize the role in which tourism and the aviation industry affect the GDP and economy of the African, Asian and Middle East regions. In 2019, the aviation industry across the Middle East, Africa and Asia generated revenues of billions but were majorly hit with the impacts of covid-19. As tourism is a main source of income, these nations’ ability to profit off their own aviation industry is pivotal to their economic success and overall growth. In 2019, Africa made $169 billion due to tourism and has employed over 24 million people (Monneir, 2020). Asia had over 360 million tourists arrive in 2019 and remains the largest tourism growth market (World Economic Forum, 2019).
In 2020, Asian and Middle Eastern aviation industry gathered a half-trillion loss in revenue due to the severe impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic (IATA, 2020). These area’s ability to recover strongly depends on the airline carriers and tourism sectors in regions to pick up on demand. However with the latest issues over electric planes and inability to acquire them, the regions’ economies remain severely impacted by the consistent losses.
The “Cosmopolitan Haven” Myth, Emirates Airlines
Although Emirates Airlines is owned by the government, it is important to note that Emirates Airlines is home to Dubai and the Government of Dubai (not UAE). As established earlier, Dubai is a city that has spent the majority of its efforts towards curating an innovative and leading society. Dubai’s vision is to be the world’s leading innovation hub for economic growth, tourism, and technology. Dubai’s primary source of income relies heavily on its tourism industry. Due to this, Dubai and Emirates Airlines share a core vision and mission to connect people across the world in the hub of UAE.
Dubai has one of the world’s leading tourism industries which contributed $44 billion towards its GDP in 2017. Since then, the industry has continued to boast an average of over 15 million tourists annually (GMI, 2021). The city receives most of its international tourists from India, France, Russia, USA, Germany, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Egypt (Global Media, 2021). Around 18% of tourists come from Western Europe and 21% from Eastern Europe, making Europeans the largest segment of international travelers visiting Dubai. Due to this, Dubai heavily relies on keeping travel paths open to Europe and western nations. More so, Emirates Airlines plays a crucial role in transporting globe-trotters to and from Dubai with ease. Emirates Airlines travelers also experience a wide range of services and benefits that other airlines flying into the country would not normally provide. In addition, Dubai depends on a thriving expatriate community to keep multiple industries fully functioning.
In order for Dubai to continue profiting successfully from its tourism industry, the Government of Dubai believes that merging under Wright Electric Inc will result in maintaining and even enhancing their tourist industry while creating a brand identity as the ultimate cosmopolitan hub. Since Dubai has portrayed and achieved an identity as a cosmopolitan city, Emirates Airlines stands by the decision to pave the new path to keep this brand identity true. The “Cosmopolitan haven” myth speaks to Emirates Airlines and the Government of Dubai’s mission and anxiety to remain a desirable tourist destination and expatriate home to a wide percentage of the western populations. More so, Dubai has always emphasised diplomatic relations and strong allyship with numerous super powers such as the USA and UK. Therefore it comes as no surprise that they are ready to integrate their pioneering airlines with the multi-national Engler enterprise. The Cosmopolitan Haven myth emphasises the notion that Wright Electric itself is a corporation that is made up of airlines that originate from various parts of the world, in which Emirates Airlines now has a key stake in.
Co-authors of “The Cosmopolitan Haven Myth”
The co-authors of the “Cosmopolitan Haven” myth are the Government of Dubai, Dubai Culture and Arts Authority and Dubai Tourism. In the early stages of Dubai’s failure to keep up with the aviation market due to changes in regulations and lack of relevant technology, co-authoring played a tremendous role in both raising awareness of merging with Engler and building strong cultural myths and credibility. In a highly sensitive and fragile period for expatriates and tourists in Dubai, anxieties and social contradictions about Dubai’s relevance and accessibility were at the question. By embracing the power and reach of co-authors, such as the government, Dubai Culture and Arts Authority and Dubai Tourism, that held strong value, worth and representation within the local and global population, cultural myths blossomed and resolved anxieties and catered for the needs faced by the community.
One of the many repercussions the regulations and merger brought upon was the fear of the unknown and the loss of a national, iconic brand. Since Emirates Airlines is so integral to Dubai society, the community was anxious about what the new change would bring upon. Expatriates, locals and citizens are worried about what the future of Emirates Airlines would look like in a world where the Government of Dubai has no control over the airlines. However, the government and Dubai Tourism strategically worked as co-authors to dispel such anxieties and concerns. By providing in-depth research, financial forecasting and transparent press releases, the co-authors were able to convey that Emirates Airlines' ability to remain as a cultural yet cosmopolitan brand would only increase due to its profitable merger of the industry-leading empire. In addition, Dubai Culture and Arts Authority plays a critical role in achieving any strategic plan set to enhance the city as they are committed to establishing Dubai
Populist World, Emirates Airlines
The populist world in the second period are mainly the (European and American) tourists and expatriates that are seeking to achieve their globe-trotting dreams by being able to travel or live in Dubai. Emirates Airlines target audience are the people who inspire to be identified as well-traveled and cosmopolitan Therefore, in order for Dubai and Emirates Airlines to make this possible post-regulations and following the recent monopolistic environment, Emirates Airlines wants their potential passengers to believe that Emirates Airlines is still credible, relevant and able to make their experience of exploring the Middle East region possible.
Creative Execution
Copy platform
Issue being addressed:
With the importance and prevalence of globalisation, it is crucial for nations across the globe to work together for overall cultural tolerance and growth. It is important that there is diplomacy between the western and eastern nations if both communities aspire to achieve their greatest potential.
Communications objective:
To raise awareness for the business and diplomatic and cultural ties between Emirates Airlines and Wright Electric Inc.
Target Audience:
Primary target - The expatriate community within UAE who are predominantly from European and American nations, who are concerned about travel implications of new regulations. They are from middle to upper income class and range in ages of 25-60.
Secondary target - those who are integrated in the businesses, tourism and economic sector
Compelling benefits:
Emirates Airlines is entering a new business chapter that will improve the travel and aviation industry in the region, while making international travel more accessible.
Creative strategy:
Primary target - A radio advert that showcases the wedding vows between two characters that symbolize USA and UAE. Using characters based and named after USA and UAE’s national birds, they symbolize the two nations’ merger and aviation relationship that is entering a new chapter. It uses humor but strong cultural references to showcase this new business relationship. Will include variations for different countries with appropriate national symbols, such as Red Grouse for the UK.
Secondary target - Using a press release to announce the latest news about Emirates Airlines’ acquisition by Wright Electric Inc across media outlets Gulf News, Khaleej Times, Al Bayan, and Business 24-7.
Figure 52: Emirates x Wright Electric Radio Script “A New Chapter”

Figure 53: Emirates x Wright Electric Press Release

2. The “Comrades” Myth, Etihad Airways
As mentioned earlier, Abu Dhabi’s objective is to be the beacon of Emirati culture, values and pride. However, the merging of western airlines and potential eastern-airlines with Engler’s Wright Electric brought upon pressure on the overall Middle East region. Due to previous political tensions over the war on terrorism, natural resources and islamophobia, there is a largely expected hesitation from many Arab nations when navigating the American-owned conglomerate controlling the aviation industry.
With Etihad being the nations’ flag-carrier, the Royal family and Etihad Airways have been working closely with other countries in the region. Super power nations such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia have taken the initiative to end the power-hold of Engler’s industry grasp along with UAE’s help. Although Dubai has taken a different route, the royal family and officials in Abu Dhabi are determined to keep the aviation industry in their own hands instead of handing it over to the monopoly of Wright Electrics. Despite long-lasting political tension with Qatar and Saudi Arabia over naval power, air space and accusations of harboring terrorism in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, the nations have ultimately put aside their differences for the greater good (The Economic Times, 2021). In the past, these countries have worked efficiently together in times of need. This includes the Dolphin Gas Project in which UAE, Oman and Qatar embarked on the Gulf region's first cross-border refined gas transmission project in 1999. In fact, the Dolphin Energy Company was established in Abu Dhabi. Although UAE and Saudi Arabia have been rivals in out-doing each other in ground-breaking business ventures and economic growth, the two have remained mostly cordial in times of need. Their ability to set aside prominent issues and differences provides hope for their joined effort to overcome the aviation monopoly.
The “Comrade” Myth aims to develop a brand identity that reflects the brotherhood between the Middle East super powers. The nations aim to focus on developing an effective solution to 1) creating sustainable biofuel for commercial use that is in accordance with recent regulations and 2) not having to merge with Wright Electrics thus facing loss of culture and national identity. This myth emphasises the three regions' ability to utilise years’ worth of research and investment towards sustainability into a reality. More so, it promotes the importance of investing and believing in brands that represent a nation or region. This directly impacts the way in which citizens feel proud and confident in their governments ability to provide financial, cultural and political security. By working within the region, this promotes the unity of Middle Eastern culture and traditions, bringing the community together. Ultimately, the royal family and Etihad Airways are looking for a means to prove the world wrong by bringing the region together to achieve something revolutionary. Not only will the region help sustainable efforts but they will be able to keep their representative airlines instead of merging.
Co-authors of “The Comrades Myth”
The co-authors of this myth are the various nations' government representatives, major investors, leaders in sustainability but most importantly the common folk. Ultimately the governments of UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia give the permission and set the objectives to come up with a sustainable biofuel that competes with Wright Electrics electric airplanes. In addition, major investors and existing industry leaders in sustainability will be leading this initiative and ensuring its success. With the governments, investors and industry leaders in charge and running this project, it provides the wider Arab population with peace of mind. Through government oversight and protocols, extensive funding and innovative leaders, the community will be in safe and reliable hands. However, the pivotal co-authors of this myth is the common folk. The Arab community across UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, for generations, have experienced the fluctuating political and diplomatic tensions between these countries. With the recent venture of the nations teaming up and the unity it has cultivated, the common folk are prominent co-authors who are extremely overtaken by this development. Their approval, excitement and nationalism are constantly being shared while the latest updates and information about the myth are spread within their communities.
Populist World, Etihad Airways
In a societal and political climate where the Emirati and Arab community fear the negative impacts on their economy, livelihood and culture due to the non-renewable energy fuel implications, Etihad Airways prioritised making their community feel valid, valued and cared for. With various nations merging under Engler resulting in potential loss of cultures and nation-owned corporations in the region, Etihad Airways focused on finding a solution to prove the world and it’s community wrong. The Emirati and larger Arab population that is often underrepresented in the UAE became the populist leaders in the second period as Abu Dhabi’s government focuses on prioritising the wellbeing and survival of the UAE and Middle East culture and traditions.
Creative Execution
Copy platform
Issue being addressed:
The rise in globalisation has become a large threat to Arab culture and heritage in the region. In order to preserve traditions, languages and ways of life- nations in the region and their communities must actively make efforts to keep their culture alive.
Communications objective:
To raise awareness on the importance of heritage and culture by appreciating one’s own memories and journey in life through the lens of culture.
Target Audience:
Arab communities in the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, between the ages of 15-70, who are concerned about the relevance of their culture in the present world and society.
Compelling benefits:
Promotes appreciating, nostalgia and unity amongst the Arab community in the three nations that are working together.
Creative strategy:
Children, under the age of nine, are asked to show and tell about their respective cultures (UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia) in an interview to be aired on regional TV stations and Youtube. The children are seated in a circle in a section of the Etihad cultural Center.
Extendibility: The TV advert can be adapted to have various versions, in which the disagreement and resolution intensified. By interviewing senior citizens from Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia, we can have a similar conversation but with more options and perspectives shared. Although opinions might clash more, the elderly also carry the wisdom to over come conflict.
Figure 54: Etihad Airways TV Script for "Our Comrades" Campaign