Near Future Era, 2023 - 2028
Utopia Ideology
The UAE has been striving to achieve the highest standards of innovation, wealth, and global status. For a fairly young country, the UAE has made tremendous strides and notable achievements across industries and continues to strive higher without settling for less. One of the ways in which the UAE is striving to achieve these ideals is through the 2030 plan that was announced earlier this year by the government. It is an extensive plan of action envisioning the trajectory of the country with clear targets to achieve by 2030. (The UAE Government Portal, n.d)
The plan covers an array of different sectors and industries some of the main objectives include:
3D printing strategy with the goal of finding new ways in which technology further serves and elevates humanity and placing the UAE as the leading country for this new technology.
Autonomous Transport Strategy with the clear objective of making 25% of transportation in Dubai Autonomous, in the hopes of reducing transportation fees as well as accidents.
Plan Abu Dhabi 2030, a 360 plan created to provide solutions and strategies shaping the capital of the UAE.
Mohammed Bin Rashid Solar Park. The first of its kind in the world as a part of Dubai's 2050 clean energy strategy.
Emirates Lunar Vision. The UAE is in the process of developing and sending a lunar rover to space, in order to help study the moon and its characteristics. The mission is to create new discoveries. (The UAE Government Portal, n.d)
Despite its pioneering spirit and the undeniable motivation and hunger which fuels the UAE’s desire for growth and self-improvement, there has been a great loss of Emirati culture. It is true that the country has developed and reached new highs, however, that is only measured through western mainstream ideals, and as a result, the Emirati culture has been diluted. An example of this change would be, in 2020 the UAE has announced a new law that allows unmarried couples to cohabitate. Marriage is no longer a requirement for a man and a woman to live together and although by Islamic law this is prohibited, the country has taken measures to loosen religious and traditional rules laws and instead encourage personal freedom and choice. Furthermore, the UAE has made flexible alcohol licenses for restaurants and bars to obtain.
1. The Global Citizen Mythe, Emirates Airlines​
It’s been established that Emirates Airlines is more than just a facilitator of transport, it is a lifestyle global brand that prides itself and encourages people to explore the world and expand one’s thinking while posing the possibility of being a true global citizen. For Emirates, globalization and diversification are the true measures of success, especially during a time where the world and the human race are more connected than ever. Whether it’s through sharing a smile in 120 different languages, having a staff hailing from 160 different ethnicities, or creating globally renowned campaigns with a strong messaging of celebration of diversity and globalization, accompanied with famous taglines and slogans such as “Hello Tomorrow”, “Tomorrow Brings us all Closer” and “Tomorrow Never Stops Exploring”. It is evident that the Dubai carrier’s vision is about the integration of cultures.
Emirates Airlines Co-authors
The city of Dubai is one of the biggest co-authors of the “Global Citizen” myth. When looking at Dubai we see a mini globe, a melting pot of different nationalities, races, languages, religions, and perspectives co-existing harmoniously. It is also a major touristic destination in the gulf welcoming a plethora of tourists all year round. Dubai is also home to many ex-pats, many of whom were born and raised here. These factors combined make the city of Dubai a clear supporting co-author to Emirates Airlines' “Global Citizen” myth.
Emirates Airlines Populist world
Expats and tourists are the populist worlds that are affected positively by the “Global Citizen” myth. The notion of expansion of cultures which Emirates airlines celebrate plays in the favor of those that come from different backgrounds because they feel supported and celebrated. Their differences are not seen as a threat to the Emirati culture, in fact, the existence of a multinational community in harmony is something to be commended and therefore puts both the city of Dubai and Emirates Airlines on a positive pedestal for the rest of the world to follow.
Emirates Airlines Creative Execution
Issue bring addressed
Emirates airlines is addressing the global citizen myth in support of the utopian ideology and the importance of globalization by merging the western and eastern worlds together in support of the future generations and the trajectory of the city of Dubai.
Communications objective
To encourage people to nurture their sense of curiosity and dares them to explore new ideas and experience the different facets of the global community and the human race. To seek new opportunities.
Target Audience
Dubai ex-pat community, tourists, and the global community.
Compelling benefits
Bridging gaps between communities and encouraging people to become global citizens and experience growth that elevates every aspect of their life.
Creative Strategy
Supported by statics from, Dubai Tourism Statistics Dubai, the Global citizen ad is a series of 10 print ads showcasing the faces of the 200 nationalities that currently reside in Dubai. Each edition of the ad will feature 10 nationalities which eventually will encompass the 200 nationalities in the city.
With each image, a word is used to describe what the city of Dubai means to each person and the reason in which they came to Dubai. The campaign pays homage to the iconic "Hello Tomorrow" Emirates Airlines campaign in the past era.
Hello Tomorrow promised a better future, one that is accepting of people's differences and embraces new ideals, and is always curious and open-minded. The main messaging of the campaign is to highlight the diversity of Dubai and its people and regardless of their different walks of life, Dubai remains a home for them. The print ads will be featured on global and local lifestyle and travel magazines such as The Travel Magazine, Backpacker, National Geographic Traveller, Emirates Woman, and UAE lifestyle
Figure 50: Emirates Airlines Global Citizen print ad

“Desert Roots” Myth Etihad Airways
Although still striving for excellence and global recognition, Etihad Airways measures its success by remaining true to the essence of Emarati culture and traditional practices. Etihad strongly believes in remaining rooted within one’s culture and continuing the process of finding innovative ways to integrate Emarati culture in the brand’s technological advancements and communications objectives.
One of the unique ways in which Etihad intertwines strong Emarati roots within its branding is through creating the first of its kind Etihad “Sonic Branding”. In collaboration with Sixiemson, a creative agency specializing in sound production and sonic identity. Both parties worked closely to create a musical piece using traditional Emarati instruments such as “Ney” and “Kanoon”. These instruments were played by Emarati artists and recorded in a studio session to capture the true feeling of each instrument.
The instruments were then blended with modern sounds creating a tribute to the Emirati culture. The process was inspired by yet another old Emarati tradition called “Al Sadu”. An intricate weaving technique that is native to the Beduion tribe, a famous nomadic desert tribe that inhabits different regions but was concentrated in the Arabian peninsula.The famous practice requires a high level of skill set and creativity.
(Sixiemson son. n,d) By creating a strong identity rooted in, and inspired by Emirati tribal culture with modernity, Etihad Airways makes a clear stance on where their values stem from; Tradition and Culture. “ Etihad guests will hear dozens of bespoke music tracks which have been built from the same sonic DNA when onboard our aircraft, in our lounges, at events, when calling the contact center, on the radio or when watching our videos.” (Sixiem Son. n,d)
By creating a strong identity rooted in, and inspired by Emirati tribal culture with modernity, Etihad Airways makes a clear stance on where their values stem from; Tradition and Culture. “ Etihad guests will hear dozens of bespoke music tracks which have been built from the same sonic DNA when onboard our aircraft, in our lounges, at events, when calling the contact center, on the radio or when watching our videos.” (Sixiem Son. n,d)
Etihad Airways Co-authors
Since Etihad was founded by royal decree, the main co-authors of the “Desert Roots” myth are the royal family and therefore, the capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi. The city of Abu Dhabi can be considered as more reserved and carries a sense of tradition and patriotism that is not quite present in the more touristy and open city of Dubai. Abu Dhabi remains very true to the Emirati culture and places high importance on the value of preserving and practicing Emirate tradition, Contrary to Dubai, where western influence is more apparent.
Etihad Airways Populist World
Emirati community is the populist world because they are the community whose culture is weakened as a result of globalization and therefore, Etihad airways and the co-authors are working towards ensuring the Emirati community, culture, and traditions are restored, preserved while remaining the focus and continues to be at the forefront of Etihad Airlines branding and communication.
Etihad Airways Creative Execution
Copy platform
Issue being addressed
Etihad Airways is concerned about the loss of Emirati culture that has resulted from extreme globalization and the integration of multiple cultures and nationalities in the UAE. Etihad is on a mission to revive some of the forgotten traditions that were once practiced by the ancestors and find it important that today’s young Emirati citizens find ways to reconnect with their lineage and continue to carry and pass on traditions for generations to come.
Communications objective
To raise awareness and most importantly, revive some of the forgotten Emirati traditions that were once practiced by the ancestors of today’s generations and tomorrow’s leaders.
Target Audience
Emirati citizens and the international community.
Compelling benefits
The week-long event allows the Emirati community to reconnect with their cultural heritage in a unique, innovative, and entertaining way. The event gives participants an opportunity to develop an intimate bond with the forgotten parts of their own culture and ultimately, themselves.
Creative strategy
Creating a week-long event at the Abu Dhabi Cultural Center that is open to both the Emirati and the international community. The event’s purpose is to restore some of the lost Emirati traditions by giving people the opportunity to experience and expose themselves to the traditions practiced by their ancestors. The objective of the event is to allow the Emirati community to form a stronger bond with forgotten elements of their culture while also inviting the rest of the world into experiencing some of the most valued Emirati traditions. Details of the week-long event will be shared via social media. The posts will be shared by both Etihad and Abu Dhabi cultural center official Instagram pages and heavily promoted through Instagram sponsored ads.
Event Agenda
Figure 53: Desert Roots workshop & event agenda

Instagram posts
Figure 54: Desert Roots Instagram posts