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Privacy will be in great demand in the near future. Companies that provide greater privacy will have a competitive edge. According to DarkReading, in the current state of affairs, the public craves more privacy and a sense of security. Several Internet of Behaviors (IoB) technologies will increase the danger of unintended effects by the end of 2025, perhaps influencing more than half of the world's population.(Bart Willemsen, 2021) The widespread use of monitoring sensors,  devices, and the widespread availability of enormous information allows for unprecedented on- and offline evaluation of individual "behaviors." The purpose of an IoB system is to record, analyze, comprehend, and respond to these behaviors in order to impact them. To do so, an IoB system uses a variety of information sources, including commercial customer data, publicly accessible citizen data, social media, facial recognition, and location monitoring. Positive results, such as enhanced public health, might result from these systems. For example, during COVID-19, an IoB may attempt to systematically monitor and analyze hand hygiene behavior, determine mask wear using facial recognition-based analysis, and track social distancing behavior using devices and video-based algorithmic confirmation.

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