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Modern Era (2011 -2021)


Etisalat and Du catapulted into the Modern Era (2011 to 2021) with new and efficient marketing strategies to approach the issues that were and are still faced today. Marketing in this age requires innovative advertising advancements which Etisalat and Du as new challenges emerge. These concerns include politics, the economy’s state, societal factors, technology, culture, as well as the environment. Political and economic crises, from the Arab Spring (2011) to the present Coronavirus (2019 to current), are explored, particularly Etisalat and Du’s response to it. Various social issues are investigated, such as Cyberbullying, and the way in which Etisalat and Du addressed it, by implementation of the Etisalat Bully Bot and the new age #PostWisely. As technology evolved, Artificial Intelligence increasingly plays a role in the Modern Era. Though it provides us with many advantages, the downsides are that it may surpass human intelligence, taking over jobs and confronting individuals with ambiguous situations (Thomas, 2021). Etisalat and Du role in new technological environments is through the application of 5G and their presence in GITEX. Furthermore, many cultural issues arose in the face of Etisalat and Du: one being the lack of representation of mothers during Mother’s Day as well as expatriates living in the country. Thus, the company’s tackling of the matter. Moreover, environmental issues, i.e. pollution, encouraged Etisalat and Du towards a more sustainable approach. New hurdles are faced when a novel era begins, and Etisalat and Du proved to exhibit levels of preparedness and creativity.

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