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Although Advertising has been proved to be a beneficial tool in the announcement and promotion of products and services, it is now understood that, in relation to the Vintage Era of Etisalat and Du (from 1980 to 2010), there are various issues that must be addressed. Firstly, environmental catastrophes from all over the globe occurred, including electronic waste, thus negatively impacting the Earth and its inhabitants. Considering such disadvantages, Etisalat and Du systematically ordered a recycling campaign (which was an advertising scheme as well) for the betterment of the environment. Secondly, key political and economic issues occurred during this era. For example, as Iraq invaded Iran and the Financial Crisis struck, Etisalat and Du retaliated by offering free satellite services for both countries to help out the people that were displaced during the war. Thirdly, as technology advanced, telecommunication was made accessible to all; however, awareness lacked. Therefore, Etisalat and Du took this opportunity to advertise, spreading knowledge on the use of camera phones. Moreover, another issue that Etisalat and Du tackled is the social dilemma: a lack of national identity. Thus, the company implemented Emiratization and promoted the national language of the United Arab Emirates, Arabic. Further, the cultural issue of the World Cup, for instance, was solved. Intercultural exchange at such an event was improved through unique telecommunication advertisements that bridged the gap between two or more interest groups.

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