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Vintage Era (1980 -2010)

Advertising has always been part of the early economies of trade. It always gave merchants an advantage because the advertisements used commercial communication networks that attracted people towards purchasing certain products (Wolff & Biernatzki, 1994). Throughout the years, there have been various issues that affected advertising campaigns. Etisalat and Du are Emirates Integrated Telecommunication Company that was rebranded as Du as of early February 2007. UAE’s telecom operator Du signed an Interconnected Agreement with Etisalat as the networks have been intertwined to provide citizens with their needs, and ensure that a proper, healthy and dynamic competitive environment for their end-users is considered (Du, 2021). They have always aimed to take connectivity to the next level that is fit for a dynamic future and that provides carrier services through internet exchange and through satellite services. Their vision is to enhance life and delight their consumers. Throughout the inception and operation of both telecommunication companies, there have been a number of issues that affected the vintage era of advertisements that ranged between the years of 1980 to 2010. It included social issues such as the Arabic language dying. The World Cup and its impact on Etisalat and Du's approaches were among the cultural concerns discussed. Other issues like the camera phone became popular during this era, as well as political issues (Iraq invading Iran)​​. Finally, electronic waste was a major concern during this time period, and many countries were dealing with it. However, Du and Etisalat handled the situation gracefully. 

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