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Situation Analysis

SWOT Analysis

In the following figure there is represented the SWOT analysis of the campaign with internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external ones (opportunities and threats).























As we can see from Figure 1, there are different factors that the class had to consider while organizing the campaign.

Our strength is our competitive advantage, to have the first and only activity organized entirely by students within the university. These students come from different communication majors, such as journalism, advertising and public relations; thus, it will be helpful to collaborate considering different fields and aspects.

Our weakness is that, since the debate is entirely financed by the class MCM-220, we will have limited material for the promotion and organization of the event.
The opportunities we have are also the goals mentioned previously; whereas, our threats are our limitations: the event will take place in the class hours of Summer 1of the academic year 2018/2019, therefore we might have a limited number of participants.



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