Executive Summary

Canadian University Dubai (CUD) was established in 2006 led by Dr. Karim. Chelli, the Canadian University Dubai (Your portal to Canadian education) because providing a portal of Canadian education to the Canadian University Dubai students is one of the most main goals of CUD, Canadian University Dubai is highly recognized and well-reputed in Canada.
Because the Canadian University Dubai wants to establish the new Music and Dramatic Arts to leave an image and an imprint in the musical and dramatical education with a Canadian twist, also an advantage to having a department of such is that the Canadian University Dubai will be the first university in UAE that provides a full dramatical and artistical programs followed with full credit hours, and the process of this paper is to study first the company (CUD) and give the full details of it, such as the faculties they provide other the new Music and Dramatic Arts program, additional to it is introducing the new campus at City Walk that CUD moved to, which made a creative jump for the university. The new campus will provide creative classrooms for Communication students. The classrooms will be more creative in providing shooting studios and PCs for the students to practice their skills and more.
Secondly, studying the strategic focus and plan in this section covers three important strategy aspects that influence the Canadian University Dubai's marketing plan, which is the mission/vision, goals, core competency, and sustainable competitive advantage of Canadian University Dubai. Basically, this section needs to explain in detail for the people who need to register for this new department which is the Musical and Dramatic Arts. We will also identify what are the values and benefits that they will have from studying this program.
Another section is the market-product focus, which is the section that describes the upcoming four years' marketing and product objectives for the Canadian University Dubai and the target markets, points of difference, and positioning of its lines of Beehive team.
Another section is the situation analysis; The situation analysis starts with the environment of where Canadian University Dubai stand when having to launch a new department in 2022 which is the Music and Dramatic Arts department which will have many different programs underneath the school itself and this section will be explaining the SWOT analysis of the new program that CUD will establish, plus the industry analysis which will also give information about the competitors of CUD’s Music and Dramatic Arts program, which will further explain what will be given. This section will also cover what are the main core values of the new department. Another section that will be covered is the company analysis, which will be giving more information of the CUD’s staff such as Mr. Buti Saeed Al Ghandi and professor Karim Chelli, in addition to that, is the customer analysis which will be a section that describes the characteristics of customers expected to enroll in Canadian University Dubai and the Academic concerns in the UAE.
The Marketing program describes the four marketing mix elements, Product Strategy, Price Strategy, Promotion Strategy, Place Strategy, for Canadian University Dubai's new Music and Dramatic Arts department are detailed below.
The financial data and projections describe CUD’s current data and Five-year projections for the newly proposed Music and Dramatic Arts department.
The last section is the creative work, which will identify the main design of the program’s logo plus the three steps of advertising. The new program's first campaign will be the pre-launch which will cover the Defy Traditions campaign on social media platforms and billboards, the second campaign will be the open house that CUD will host, which will be advertised on social media platforms, radio ads, direct mailer, and more. The last campaign will be the post-launch which will cover the "Unleash the Talent campaign". The post-launch campaign after launching the Music and Dramatic Arts department will be the talent show “Unleash the Talent” campaign. This talent show will feature 7 schools from the UAE, 5 from Dubai, and 2 from Abu Dhabi.